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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. A

    Which EO can be taken internally?

    On occasion I add a couple of drops of peppermint oil using a dropper into a cup of brew (herbal coffee, tea, etc). If I add a little more it becomes very strong and I can feel the vapor going out through my eyes. This is a very exciting experience that I would recommend if you really like...
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    Are you ready to sell your soap?

    I agree - the advice in the post is very heavily focused toward 'compliance' and 'regulations'. The idea of having someone come in to inspect your home, demand money for no consideration, ask for permission and dictate every step of your actions should obviously be a violation of what bit of...
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    Conditioning Bar

    Sure, I'll check the links - thanks. The oils are chosen from what is more easily available to me and resulted in the highest conditioning and creaminess qualities. If the result is going to be too soft and not able to hold its shape, then perhaps it could be adjusted by adding palm and...
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    Maximum castor oil in soap

    I was contemplating making a batch with 40% castor and no coconut at all. I might use cocoa butter but have not decided on the %ile for that yet.
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    Conditioning Bar

    Sure - The recipe now is Castor @ 40%, Almond @ 30%, Cocoa butter @ 20%, Olive @ 10% (I'll use a 24% water to oil weight) and superfat of 5-10% perhaps with vitamin E added on. It is high in ricinoleic and oleic acids and low to none of the other types. I wonder how this might compares with...
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    Conditioning Bar

    Someone suggested that I make a "conditioning bar" so I played around with the soap calc until I came up with a recipe that uses cocoa/avocado butter, and castor, olive and almond oils. I could also add a small amount of palm oil. The calc profile says that it will have very high conditioning...
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    Curing process

    As a side note, I only had DOS in a few early batches I made using a lot of soy and canola ("vegetable") oils. Once I cut those out, the result was much better! I do have soap that is 2-3 yrs and stored in wide range of temps which is NOT sweating oil. If I can find a good balance of soft vs...
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    Curing process

    It may very well be - I would still like to hear about others' experience in different climates.
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    Curing process

    Hello - I have just placed my newly de-molded cut soap onto a wire rack above my table with a small fan and have a couple of thoughts which I would like some input by experienced soapers. My base oils is 3/10 coconut, 4/10 palm, 3/10 EV olive; water was 28% weight of oils; EOs only for scent...
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    Soap I made this month

    Soap I made this month [attachment=0:1gfz8fwb]161895_100000372445.jpg[/attachment:1gfz8fwb] Added pieces of lemon peel to one batch but it turned red!
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    New intro

    Hello - I have made a few batches of soap (CP)...and thrown a few batches out the window too. I quit for awhile but started making more after doing more reading. I think that I have it down to a fairly reliable process now :o