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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. A

    Buying colors for CP soap

    Thanks yall!
  2. A

    Can I use a cardboard milk container??

    I'm a newbie and have the same book. That's the same recipe I started with. My husband made me a soap mold using the instructions in the book and it only cost about $8 for materials. You don't have to buy an expensive mold.
  3. A

    shipping costs!

    I get free shipping at WSP when I order $30+. I'm new to all this but it sounded like a good deal to me, and their prices didn't seem too bad. Maybe I'm getting ripped off and didn't realize it :(
  4. A

    Buying colors for CP soap

    I am looking to order some colors from WSP. I like Brambleberry and can find colors I like, but I can't handle paying that much for shipping so I'm ordering through WSP. Anyway, I have only bought one color before (a bronze mica) so I have no idea what I need to look for. I just want regular...
  5. A

    Using sprinkles on soap

    I want to attempt to make soap cupcakes this weekend. If i use food grade colored sprinkles, will they bleed? What if i use brown "icing"? Thanks!
  6. A

    My first batch

    Don't laugh :) Here's my first attempt at making soap. It's apple & spice FO with some golden bronze mica swirled in. I am still getting the hang of swirling. I made a batch of chocolate swirl soap last night and can't wait to cut it. Uploaded with
  7. A

    How long before I cut soap?

    I guess I'll wait till tomorrow night. I'm so impatient :(
  8. A

    How long before I cut soap?

    I made a batch of soap last night. This is only my 2nd batch and I'm hoping I got better at swirling it than my first batch, so I'm anxious to cut it and see how it looks. How long do I have to wait? I waited 2 days with my last batch and it was fine but I was wondering if I could cut this one...
  9. A

    goatsmilk and coconut oil at Wal mart???

    Just got back from our Walmart. They didn't have coconut oil and the OO was about 20.5 cents an oz, so probably not a great price but I needed it anyway.
  10. A

    Appropriate location to cure soap?

    I put mine on a countertop over my washing machine. My laundry room is right inside the garage door so it makes my house smell really good when I walk in. :)
  11. A

    goatsmilk and coconut oil at Wal mart???

    Im glad you posted this. Ive been waiting on olive oil to go on sale at the grocery store and it never dawned on me to go to Walmart!
  12. A

    Using alcohol to prevent soap ash?

    This is a total newbie question but what is gelling? How do i do it and know whether I should be or not? I have only made 1 batch and i just followed the recipe in my book.
  13. A

    Using alcohol to prevent soap ash?

    As my first batch of soap is curing, it's developing a thin layer of soap ash on the top. I read that you can spray a little alcohol on the top of the soap right after you pour it in the mold to prevent this. Has anyone tried this and does it work? What kind of alcohol do I use, rubbing alcohol...
  14. A

    What do you mix your soap in?

    I was afraid to use a plastic container because I thought the lye would react to it, but then I watched some videos and see people mixing it in buckets. Oh and the lye is sold in a plastic container.. duh.. I bought 2 big Pyrex measuring cups and I have a stainless steel pot I used for my...
  15. A

    My lye didnt burn?

    Thanks everyone for your replies. I'll be sure to be careful with my lye :)