My first Beldi soap

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Active Member
Jun 4, 2015
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio, USA
I used Pilar's recipe. (Thank you SO much! :wave::clap:) I did a 5% SF with rice bran and avocado. Scented at 3% with Eucalyptus FO. Canned black olives that I soaked in water. Cooked for over 5 hours on warm/low... then I turned off the crockpot and fell asleep for a couple hours. When I woke up it still looked like there was too much moisture in it, so I turned the crock on low and cooked it for another 5 hours or so. It is the consistancy of a thick gel more so than a paste so I wasn't sure if I had cooked it enough. It spreads wonderfully though, so I think it's right for me! I ordered some kessa and I can't wait to try this stuff out!

Any suggestions as to how long to wait before trying... the usual 6 weeks? I only saw one mention of waiting 2 weeks at least.

Yes, she does and it's a great read! I would have liked ordering a sauna to go along with the kessa and beldi but not in the budget... maybe a gym membership so I can use theirs! haha

ETA: Thank you, earlene! I was fascinated by it too.. and the rituals of the hammams. Just had to make it.