Salt and oil fit in mold?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2013
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For a salt bar do I need to discount the amount of oils to make room for the salt??

I have been looking for a straight answer everywhere and cant find one. But it just makes sense that I need to lower the oils to accomidate the volume of salt that I want to add...

So I need a little clarity from the experts here. I use a 24 oz of oil usually in my mold. How much would I need to discount to make room for say 50% oil weight of salt???
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Yes. The salt will take up more volume, but it's hard to say how much. I make mine in individual molds so I don't have to cut them. If I had to decrease, I would try 18 oz of oil and 50% in salt. Someone else may have come up with a good formula, so maybe they can offer better advice.
Unfortunately just using a larger mold isn't always an option, and that still doesn't answer the question of how to account for the volume of salt in your recipe. bobbie, if you scroll to the bottom of the page there are some links about how to calculate your oil + salt volume to fill your mold, as well as in the link cerelife used. There does not seem to be a super-simple rule, but based on what I have read and my personal experience I think kharmon's suggestion should be pretty close. When in doubt just have an extra container standing by for overage. Sorry I can't be more help.
Thanks New12Soap. I went searching in those old threads and found a formula by soapman. Just made up a batch and it was perfect. .8 of normal oil weight and then .8 of that for salt weight.. Ill put up some pics when I cut it later..
Awesome Bobbie, I am glad you found what you needed and that things worked out as planned... look forward to seeing the pics :)
Okay Here it is the result. I have to say I love this batch so far. No more waiting to unmold..... WOOT WOOT. If it turns out there will lots more of these..

Simple 80/20 Coconut and Castor Oil. Super-fatted at 20%
Sent is blend of Lavender and Vanilla

IMG_2129 copy.jpg

IMG_2130 copy.jpg
Oh, this looks wonderful Bobbie, and I bet it smells nice also :) I made a lavender and sandalwood mix the other day and all I can smell in my apartment is lavender now :)
Those look great! Congrats! I am glad you found an answer. Get a nice cure on those bars and you will LOVE them.
Really great job! They look fantastic and I bet they smell lovely.