slumber party

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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2006
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My 11 y/o had her 1st ( and last :shock: ) slumber party last night to celebrate her 12th birthday. There were 7 girls plus my daughter makes 8. They became very "Lord of the Flies." They did not go to sleep untill 3:30a and I had to get them up at 9a because a few had to go to church.
Tabitha said:
My 11 y/o had her 1st ( and last :shock: ) slumber party last night to celebrate her 12th birthday. There were 7 girls plus my daughter makes 8. They became very "Lord of the Flies." They did not go to sleep untill 3:30a and I had to get them up at 9a because a few had to go to church.

wooooowsa.... so am I right to assume you are probably nursing a headache this morning??
I learned a long time ago that slumber parties never turn out like they should or we think the should
I put a limit on the "sleepers".
My DD has friends over just about every second weekend, but I"ll only let 2 at any one time to sleep. Otherwise it's just too much. And they have no where to sleep. And we don't have that many chairs. And they are too noisy. And they use all the hot water. And they eat soooo much.
And I could go on and on and on... :lol: