East Coast Members

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Sep 19, 2011
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Southern California
For anyone on the East Coast in the path of the nasty weather, please keep warm and safe. Living in Calif I must admit I do not know much about your cold weather, but my hubby remembers since he was raised in Michigan. When he moved here in his early teens he never went back to even visit
Up here in northern Ontario, it's currently -23C (with wind chill, -32C). Tonight it's supposed to dip down to -28C (wind chill -40C). :cry:

I have to keep hot water running in my taps or my pipes will freeze. No fun!

Very jealous of you folks in southern climates right now.
Up here in northern Ontario, it's currently -23C (with wind chill, -32C). Tonight it's supposed to dip down to -28C (wind chill -40C). :cry:

I have to keep hot water running in my taps or my pipes will freeze. No fun!

Very jealous of you folks in southern climates right now.
Brrrrrrrrrr.....I cannot fathom such weather. But it is beautiful, I have always dreamed of a white Christmas, but never got up to our local mountains for Christmas.
We just got back to NJ from our Christmas in MI. Here at home, we often don't get decent snow until later in January. The kids were thrilled with the snow in MI and are so excited to have a snow day today! IMG_20180101_110026.jpg
Not the east coast, but my husband says he thinks this is the coldest winter since we've moved back because we have had so many days below zero. It was -12° F a couple of nights ago when I had to go get my husband when his car wouldn't make it home. I think it was colder in 2009 when we left to go to the inauguration. It was -27° F when we left our car at the airport, and we had lots more snow that winter for a much longer time. But he says it's the below 0° that makes it a colder winter.

Toxikon, I hope you manage to stay warm and your pipes remain intact!
What gets me is the number of days it hasn't even come CLOSE to 33F. The storm has passed and tonight an hour outside NYC is 3F. I cut the thermostat from 68F to 65F and I'm with a hoodie on in the house...I'm not even pining for spring...all I want is a thaw! It was 22F the other afternoon and it felt great by comparison...
I'm in the northern mountains of NYS (about an hour from the Montreal border). We're pretty used to the cold, but not this early in the year. They're forecasting windchill temperatures of -45F (-42.8C). Honestly, once it get's to about -10F, anything colder feels the same. You'd think you'd feel it more, but not in our experience.

Luckily, we have a wood stove that keeps us nice and toasty and since our home is solid log construction, all of our pipes are internal (nothing in the walls). It's been so cold here that even the dog doesn't like to stay out long (and he's a cold and snow lover!).

Take care, everyone, and be sure to look in on the elderly.
What gets me is the number of days it hasn't even come CLOSE to 33F. The storm has passed and tonight an hour outside NYC is 3F. I cut the thermostat from 68F to 65F and I'm with a hoodie on in the house...I'm not even pining for spring...all I want is a thaw! It was 22F the other afternoon and it felt great by comparison...

We have only been above single digits once since the day before Christmas and I'm tired of the cold! We are supposed to get up to 20 on Sunday and I'm excited. Not my normal, I'm usually not happy til it hits 50.

I'm in the northern mountains of NYS (about an hour from the Montreal border). We're pretty used to the cold, but not this early in the year. They're forecasting windchill temperatures of -45F (-42.8C). Honestly, once it get's to about -10F, anything colder feels the same. You'd think you'd feel it more, but not in our experience.

Luckily, we have a wood stove that keeps us nice and toasty and since our home is solid log construction, all of our pipes are internal (nothing in the walls). It's been so cold here that even the dog doesn't like to stay out long (and he's a cold and snow lover!).

Take care, everyone, and be sure to look in on the elderly.

You must have thicker blood than me! I swear I can feel every single degree. We have a husky that loves to curl up and sleep on top of a snowbank. I know it's cold when he's ready to come back in after 10 minutes.
You must have thicker blood than me! I swear I can feel every single degree. We have a husky that loves to curl up and sleep on top of a snowbank. I know it's cold when he's ready to come back in after 10 minutes.

I admit that I tend to run hotter than most!

We've got a newfie and he LOVES to play in the snow. So much so that it's usually pretty difficult to convince him to come in. But this cold! Even he's been dancing to get off the ground--and when his business is done, he heads right back for the house!
I would swap for the cold in a heartbeat! If anyone ever wants to do a sunburnt house swap, just let me know (only half joking) ... it's going to be over 105F here tomorrow.

Stay safe Northern folk.

That is quite tempting! I'll let you know if my fiance and I have any plans to visit Australia in the future, hehe. :mrgreen:

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