Veggie Peeler 1, Finger tip 0

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Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
Reaction score
Friendly not shave large edges of soap with a veggie peeler if you aren't 110% paying attention. Why weren't you at 110%? Maybe because a great song was on the radio and you were singing along....maybe because you were earlier test sniffing some testers and one had a soap crumble and now your sinuses are battling the invader...maybe because the cats alone in the house decided to distract you by rattling the door... Or maybe all three at the same time?
End result: Corner of finger a tad shorter. Nail trimmed in a weird style too....

No pictures because I don't want anyone to lose their lunch but trust me the veggie peeler is sharp!

Funny part was, my second thought was "Well, at least I don't need to worry about cleaning the wound...". My first was "Did any fall on the soap?" (no!) hahahah.

Needless to say, I'm done trimming for the night.
Ouch! Planers hurt too. They are all out to get us.

Stay safe everyone.

You do realize that you are only encouraging my growing laziness (within reason) in soap making by telling me planers hurt too, right? Seriously, that's good to know in case I ever do have to work with one.
Oooo planers.... I think if I go to that I'm going with the "piece of wire stretched in the corner" type. At least the peeler only gets so much of a bite!

My significant other asked me if I put peroxide on the wound...I said nope....thiiiinnnkkkk...why would I do that? "Oh...yea" LOL
Currently typing this with the tip of my pointer finger slightly shaved off from my soap planer. I wasn't even trimming soap! Just moving the planer back to storage! I always trim my soaps with the planer, using an oven mitt, but it got me anyway.
aaaaaaaaaaand planer got another negative. Is there any kind of sponge you can tie over the blade or something? Just MOVING it and it bites....sheesh!

As a side note, it's amazing how many times the tip of your first finger hits things in the course of the day *whimper*.