Good news...and bad

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
New England
Good news first...Scout continues to be nothing but a joy, every single day. Not a day goes by that he doesn't do something to completely crack me up, he's such a funny little guy. Now that it's getting a bit warmer, we've gone "walking", which really doesn't involve as much walking as it does sniffing everything along the way, two steps, stop to sniff, five steps, something else to sniff. The world is so full of smelly things that need to be investigated! Learning tricks is a challenge. He's very good at "sit", but is so excited at the prospect of a treat, that he wiggles and squirms out of position. And "give me five" turns into ten as he jumps up and offers both paws. He's just so cute that I end up giving him the treat no matter what, because he tries so hard. I'm a terrible teacher! And I promised him when I got him that even though he's a tiny dog, I wouldn't dress him in any cutesy outfits. He is a guy, after all. So he has parkas, sweaters, a camo jacket, and below is a pic of him in his rainbow skulls T-shirt, looking studly. I love this dog!!!

Sadly, after losing one cat at the end of last October to complications of kidney disease, my remaining cat has been diagnosed with heart failure. After an echocardiogram, X-rays, bloodwork, and a four and a half hour visit to the emergency vet the other day, he's now on four meds, and constant monitoring. We take better care of our animals these days, so that they live longer, but in living longer, they eventually become susceptible to diseases of old age that they never encountered before. It's just too hard. So far, he seems OK, although his appetite, which was always ferocious, is not what it was. But since I'm giving him his meds coated in cream cheese and wrapped in chicken, maybe that has something to do with it, the "appetizers" are filling him up. I hate seeing them sick. I hate for them to be afraid. It seems unfair that they should ever suffer. Even though I know I'm doing the best I can, it doesn't feel like enough. I hate this. :(

I am so sorry to hear about your cat. The flip side of them living longer is, indeed, more illnesses such as heart disease, kidney failure, etc.
Pets can bring both joy and sadness into our lives. I have to say that I think the joy out weighs the sadness, though. Hugs from me to you.
So sorry to hear about your kitty. Our pets are such a big part of our lives and it is hard when they grow old and develop health problems. Focus on the love.

On the other side, it sounds like Scout has adjusted well and you are happy together. He really is adorable.
Scout is so proud of his sweater! My Max thinks that his sweaters are final proof that he really is human, and he wears them with pride.

Im sorry about your kitty, but take comfort in the fact that you are making sure that he knows he is cherished. Hugs to both of you.
My condolences on your impending loss.
It is very difficult to let an old friend go. Even seeing them suffer is hard no matter how many time we experience it.

I really do feel for you and the kitty.

Scout: What is that? ( sniff, sniff) Look over there! it's ... something new! sniff, sniff ( catalog the smell) Oh! Look! sniff, wag, sniff! ......
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Thanks everyone for your kind words. I'm hoping for the best, that the meds will work for a while, but I won't let him suffer if they don't. So far, he's comfortable. Hopefully the meds will prevent him from throwing a clot. Thankfully, I have Scout for comic relief. He's such a character, he can always make me smile. The joy of having animals does outweigh the sadness by far, but when we lose them, the sadness is so profound. I have to believe that we'll see them again, otherwise it's just too much. Thanks again for your kindness.
Here is my sweet boy, in all his pinkness...nose and toes.

Really sorry to hear about your cat.
I lost my cat, Sooty, a few years ago. She was 14 years old and had a strange dermatitis that spread to her mouth so she was unable to eat or drink. I took her to the vet as I couldn't understand her strange meow. The vet said she was in pain and we had to have her put to sleep. It was all so sudden. It was very sad.

Still, I think we are lucky that we can choose when our pets are suffering too much to continue living. I have watched my MIL, FIL, SIL and 2 good friends waste away with cancer. They suffered so much. I have another friend now who is choosing to go to Zurich to choose the time of her own passing as she has inoperable pancreatic cancer. I find that difficult even though I understand where she is coming from but I am so pleased that she has that option available to her.
Really sorry to hear about your cat.
I lost my cat, Sooty, a few years ago. She was 14 years old and had a strange dermatitis that spread to her mouth so she was unable to eat or drink. I took her to the vet as I couldn't understand her strange meow. The vet said she was in pain and we had to have her put to sleep. It was all so sudden. It was very sad.

Still, I think we are lucky that we can choose when our pets are suffering too much to continue living. I have watched my MIL, FIL, SIL and 2 good friends waste away with cancer. They suffered so much. I have another friend now who is choosing to go to Zurich to choose the time of her own passing as she has inoperable pancreatic cancer. I find that difficult even though I understand where she is coming from but I am so pleased that she has that option available to her.

I'm all for quality of life over quantity. I think it should be each individuals own choice. Some may want to hang in until the end, while others decide when enough is enough. Having to make that decision for our pets is never an easy one. We love them so much, it's hard to let go, and we have to trust ourselves that we've done the right thing for them.

After the vet explained to me that anything that could be done for Mimi would only help temporarily, and that she would end up having a repeat of the painful episode that landed her at the emergency vet again, and that it would be soon, I decided for her that she had had enough. She was fairly comfortable at that point, I took her home, she slept OK, ate a bit in the morning, sat in her favorite window, spent some time on the screen porch, and then I took her in. I didn't want her to be afraid or uncomfortable, so the vet gave her a mild sedative before inserting the IV. He let me spend some time alone with her, and when he came in, I held her in my arms as he started the IV. It was not an easy decision to make, but I honestly believe it was what she would have wanted.

I'm hoping the medication that Basco is taking for his heart is able to keep him going and comfortable for some time longer. I guess only time will tell. We're going to the vet later today for another chest X-ray, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. But I'm glad that we have the opportunity to allow our pets to avoid dying a slow and painful death when there is no alternative. They don't understand what's going on, and it must be so frightening and confusing for them. I think that going to sleep in the arms of someone who loves you, is a much better choice, difficult at that is. And I'm sure that your cat appreciated your decision to do that for her.