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  1. GreenScene

    This week's distraction - Not Soap!

    I just wanted to share a couple of pics of what's keeping me from soaping this week, mainly because I'm so happy with how today's creation turned out. My kids' birthdays are coming up, and I'm busy making fondant/gum paste decorations for their cakes. My soon-to-be 10 y.o. daughter requested a...
  2. GreenScene

    Egg White Bath Bomb Frosting?

    I know I've seen a post somewhere on the forum about using a gingerbread frosting recipe that called for actual egg whites for the frosting on bath bomb cupcakes. I'm curious - has anyone tried this? Results? I have a backyard flock of chickens and am usually overrun with eggs, and since I'm...
  3. GreenScene

    Bath Bombs - No Citric Acid?

    Anyone have a good recipe for bath bombs without citric acid? My sweet little daughter wants to make some, but living in south Louisiana, I have never had much luck with them because of the humidity. She's got her heart set on it, but I don't want to buy citric acid just for her experiment!
  4. GreenScene

    TD & Health

    Do any of you or your customers have objections to using titanium dioxide? If so, what are they? Several people in my circle of friends are very much of the mind that the fewer ingredients the better, any ingredients that aren't easily identifiable are probably not great, and want to avoid...
  5. GreenScene

    Nervous - Sharing CP Blog/Site

    All right, ladies and gentlemen. I'm nervous about sharing this here, since so many of you are such incredible soapers and long-time sellers and could certainly blow me away with your talent and mad business skillz. But I'm slowly but surely gearing up for selling. Husband and I have talked this...
  6. GreenScene

    CP Cupcake Soap

    Well, I have several people bugging me to make cupcake soaps. Never tried them, but I think I will tonight or tomorrow. I'd like to see if I can make some nice CP ones, as I vastly prefer CP to MP and I really don't want to buy a silicone mold for these guys. I'm thinking of using this tut as a...
  7. GreenScene

    Food Shaped Molds

    I don't usually do much MP, but several friends and family members are requesting soaps that look and smell like food, so I thought I'd try a few. Where do you guys usually get your molds for doing these? I'm thinking a few basics like donuts, cookies, and cupcakes, but also a few more...
  8. GreenScene

    What got you started soaping?

    Now that I'm starting to remember who all the regulars are, I'm getting curious about your histories. I'm not new to soap-making, but most of you have been at it much longer than I have, and I'd be interested in knowing how you got hooked. Story swap? I'll start. My husband and I started...
  9. GreenScene

    Finally got zapped!

    Well, I've made more loaves and slabs of soap than I could count, and up until tonight, had never gotten zapped. It was to the point where I was just downright curious and starting to worry that I was giving away soaps that were lye-heavy because maybe my tongue was abnormal or something. ;-) So...
  10. GreenScene

    Whipped Soap in Silicone Molds

    I made a batch of whipped soap a while back, and I keep meaning to ask you ladies about it. Instead of putting it in a loaf mold, I poured it into BB's 12 bar silicone mold because I figured I wouldn't have to worry about cutting it and possibly screwing up the bars, since it tends to be touchy...
  11. GreenScene

    SGS Coconut?

    I'm going to order from SGS in the next few days, and I'm curious about their Coconut FO. I want a straight-up coconut for a soap I'm making called "Zulu," after the Mardi Gras Krewe of the same name that throws their coveted decorated coconuts in their parades. The FO only has two reviews on...
  12. GreenScene

    Favorite phthalate free FOs?

    What are your favorites? I'm looking to add more to my collection, so recommendations are very welcome. I'm hoping to order a bunch of 1 oz. bottles this weekend.
  13. GreenScene

    Lyn Tops, Take 1

    I tried it today and thought I'd post a couple of pics. The first one is how my tops usually look. I usually use a skewer or popsicle stick, but I don't wait as long to do the texturing as it seems Lyn does. I think the thinner consistency of the soap is what results in the thinner/pointier...
  14. GreenScene

    SGS Yuzu

    Does anyone know how well this one sticks in cold process? Is it similar to other citrus scents in that it will fade quickly? I'd like to make a test batch with it, but I don't have any other FOs on hand that seem like they'd be good blends with it.
  15. GreenScene

    DIY Slab Mold?

    I'd like to try making my own 6 or 9 bar slab mold. Does anyone know of any plans online or where I might get the plastic dividers for one? I checked with Bramble Berry, but they don't sell the dividers alone for their 9 bar baltic birch mold, and I don't want to buy or build a huge one. Also -...
  16. GreenScene

    1st Soap Ball Embeds

    And I'm very pleased. I'd been wanting to try this for a while but couldn't figure out the best way to roll the balls. I wound up making the yellow soap (scented with SGS Sunwashed Linen) one evening, letting it gel, and then I used the ends to roll the balls by hand the next morning when it was...
  17. GreenScene

    Four Week Cures??

    I'm curious. Be honest. Who has the patience to wait four weeks to start using their CP? I have to confess, I cheat and usually start using mine much earlier than that. I've cleaned too much day-old soap off dishes and spatulas with bare hands without any irritation to convince myself I should...
  18. GreenScene

    Soap Balls for Embeds?

    I know this is probably a very simple thing to do, maybe it involves a mold, but I can't figure it out. I wanted to try to do some CP balls to embed a loaf or two, and I know I've seen many of you do this in the past. Lynnz soaps come to mind, especially. But I have no idea how y'all make the...
  19. GreenScene

    Felted Soap - Wet Dog FO

    I found some wool roving at a southern chain of fabric stores called Hancock Fabrics and was so excited, since it's been forever that I've been able to find any but the single color packets at Hobby Lobby. This was a pack of six colors, and I felted a previously delicious smelling bar of...
  20. GreenScene

    Oven Smells Like Soap!

    Uh-oh. I don't usually gel my soap, but I have the last couple of times. I usually soap cool, so I use the oven to force gel. Both times, I've set it to 170 and taken the soap out as soon as the gel was complete. Still, the next day, the oven still smells pretty strongly of the soap FOs. Not...