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  1. The Bubble Fairy

    Anyone know a really good lemon EO or FO?

    Try mixing a lemon EO with May Chang EO, it's another citrus scent and helps to anchor the lemon.
  2. The Bubble Fairy

    New Kiwi :)

    Welcome, fellow Kiwi! There are a few of us hanging around the boards!
  3. The Bubble Fairy

    First Milk Soap - Pimples?

    No sense in reconstituting milk powder - you'd only have to refrigerate it then and you won't if you use powder, as Todd says above.
  4. The Bubble Fairy

    Trial by Fire Mica from Nurture

    No - and the amount used as was per directions. I'm very happy with the colour!
  5. The Bubble Fairy

    Trial by Fire Mica from Nurture

    Here's my Trial By Fire experimental soap - such a great red!
  6. The Bubble Fairy

    Salt bars and arm pits!

    Once you've used it, I find if I squash the soap flat and leave it out to dry, it won't go mouldy.
  7. The Bubble Fairy

    Salt bars and arm pits!

    For those who are knitters... make your own soap saver bags/sacks in a soft cotton yarn. Much nicer on the skin than plastic. Ravelry
  8. The Bubble Fairy

    Soda ash! And a few other things!

    Yes, before reading this book I used to spray with alcohol. Now I follow the directions above and I haven't had soda ash since.
  9. The Bubble Fairy

    Soda ash! And a few other things!

    Regarding soda ash, quoting from The Soap Maker's Planner by Jackie Ziegler, a longstanding and respected New Zea;and soaper: "... Soda ash occurs when the lye molecules react with the carbon dioxide in the air to form soda bicarbonate. It is completely harmless, but can ruin a design, eg a mica...
  10. The Bubble Fairy

    ~ Fragrance Oils vs Essential Oils? (drama)

    She clearly doesn't know science. Everything is chemical-based, including water (H2O) and her precious EOs, which are made from chemicals.
  11. The Bubble Fairy


    Here in New Zealand we are heading into a nationwide lockdown as of midnight. Thank God we have a sensible leader and government who take the virus seriously.
  12. The Bubble Fairy

    Zany's no slime castile

    I've used distilled, filtered and straight from the tap. It's never made a blind bit of difference. But then, our water is pretty good in New Zealand.
  13. The Bubble Fairy

    What soapy thing have you done today?

    I made soap with my granddaughter (nine years old) yesterday for the first time - coconut, olive, rice bran, castor oils, with coconut milk powder in the batter and she chose coconut and lime fragrance! She chose three colours of mica - two shades of blue and a pink - and pressed dried rose buds...
  14. The Bubble Fairy

    Dispersing colourants in oil

    When dispersing micas, etc, in oil to then be mixed into soap batter, do you reserve a small portion of oil from your soaping oils, or do you add another teaspoon of oil to your colouring container with the mica and then mix your mica into the additional oil before adding it to the batter?
  15. The Bubble Fairy

    An intro from me...

    Hi All, I'm Andrea from Auckland, New Zealand, and I've been soaping obsessively for about two years now. There's always more to learn, and I'm grateful to have the opportunity to sign up here - thank you!
  16. The Bubble Fairy

    What made you pick your avatar/ username?!

    I chose this name after finding out my first name was not available (hello, Andrea!). I chose The Bubble Fairy as she's a character in a story our grandmother used to read to my twin sister and I (my picture here, taken from my Facebook page, shows as at the age of about 2 years!). The book was...