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  1. L

    bb recipe differences

    If you are using essential oils you use MUCH MUCH less. Just a few drops. They are highly concentrated. For instance, in my anise - mint bombs I use 5 drops of anise essential oil to 1 tsp of peppermint candy fragrance oil. (You have to try this combo - it's divine!)
  2. L

    Colouring Cocoa Butter

    Tip - if you try this - FREEZE THE HEARTS! The cocoa butter is solid but soft. I think the shape would have held molding better if it was frozen. Sadly, I forgot the cornstarch in this batch and they crumbled on me! :(
  3. L

    Colouring Cocoa Butter

    What I did with the coloured cocoa butter
  4. L

    making bath bomb modifications

    I use only oils and no water in my bombs to help them set harder and also to give that nice soft skin feeling. Try that?
  5. L

    My Bad...

    No no, it wasn't that! I broke a forum rule by posting in the business forum before I had 50 posts under my belt. That was great advice. Not running away! Mind swimming with ideas.
  6. L

    Geode Bombs!

    I haven't dropped one in the tub yet to see, but when i mix the mica with the salts I use PS80 to help them adhere and so they don't coat the tub. I'm more worried about the gold on the outside. Hopefully the effects of the PS80 in the salts is enough to disperse the gold as well. They look...
  7. L

    Geode Bombs!

    Saw these on you tube and had to try it. I love how they turned out! Bought a bronze mica for painting the outside. Will be more rock like than the gold.
  8. L

    Colouring Cocoa Butter

    Good call! The mica worked great. Now I need to go back and get more colours. :)
  9. L

    Colouring Cocoa Butter

    Hi everyone! Looking forward to learning and sharing here in the forum. I make bath bombs and have the idea that I want to make some small cocoa butter hearts in a silicone mold to put at the top of my bombs. I want them to be red (Valentine's Day and all) and was wondering if anyone has...