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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. J

    How long of a test period for lotions?

    I've finally come up with a recipe that I'm happy with for whipped, emulsified body butter (so "body whip" or whatever you want to call it lol). How long did you wait after making your first lotion before you were confident that it was stable and had a decent shelf life before selling it (I...
  2. J

    Patchouli EO

    Who is your favorite supplier of Patchouli EO? I love Essential Depot's, but it is really expensive ($30/oz. :shock: ) and I use patch in a LOT of blends. I also have a few customers who want a straight patchouli soap, not happening with ED's. I'm about to start a search for a supplier with a...
  3. J

    You see a crack starting...what would you do?

    So, two days ago I made a soap I was SO happy with, 5 colors layered, great scent blend.... About 2 hours after it's in the mold, I check on it an there's a lovely crack starting in the middle and the bottom of the mold was hot (vs. the warm I usually have). I quickly decided to pop it in the...
  4. J

    What is on the top of this soap?

    I'm going to attach a pic (hopefully it works) but it doesn't show up that well on my camera. The soap is about 36 hours old. Two strange things happened with this soap that have never happened to me before. #1 you can't see in the pic, but it had wet spots on top of it, it seemed like oil...
  5. J

    Business start up questions - in PA

    I've done a good amount of research on what I need to do legality wise with starting up a business in Pennsylvania, but I have a few confusions still that I was hoping someone could guide me on. (My mother and I are starting as a "general partnership"): Do we need a federal EIN if we have no...
  6. J

    Mixing colorants with oil...

    Tomorrow I am making my first batch with color. I have alkanet root powder infusing in olive oil and I only plan on coloring a small part of the batter to do a slight purple swirl and a tiny bit of purple on top. If I'm only coloring a small portion of the soap, do I need to take into...
  7. J

    Which wax to use? Soy and palm both environmentaly problematic??

    I'm having a dilema here lol. It is VERY important to me that my little business is environmentaly friendly. I was initially going to use to soy to make my candles, but I can not find soy candle wax that is certified to be GMO free. I have seen some candles makers claiming that their candles are...
  8. J

    Palm wax

    Hello. Does anyone have experience working with palm wax? I made my first few and they are burning a big hole right down the middle (different sized wicks in the same size jar are all doing the same thing). I did discover that there were pretty big air pockets under the top layer (which looked...
  9. J

    CP batch still soft after 36 hours

    Hello, I'm new here and new to soaping. I made my first batch two days ago and the soap is still pretty soft, too soft to cut. Can anyone tell me what they think - did I do something wrong or was my recipe off? Here's the recipe I used: Shea butter - 10% Cocoa butter - 10% Coconut oil - 30%...