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Soapmaking Forum

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  1. H

    Lipbalm: Sweet or not

    I use some mouth watering flavor oils in my balm. but I don't sweeten, so there is no taste. they just smell delicious! My lips tend to be very dry, and when you have sweet stuff on your lips, you lick them more, which dries them out more....
  2. H

    What's your advice?

    In my experience, definitely tubes. From Nature With Love has an amazing, yummy selection of flavor oils. They ship with signature required, though, so if you order from them, make sure you give an address that will have someone to sign!
  3. H

    CPHP salted goats milk

    your soap is enviably beautiful! I was wondering if GM would work well in CPHP - nnow I know. Thanks! :D
  4. H

    My 1st CP soap - a failure probably

    Don't write it off yet! Ok, it's not the prettiest thing you'll ever make, but Oh My! you should have seen my first batch! :lol: Now THAT was sad! Agree top is probably ash, and forgetting to line the mold? Maybe only once - i'm embarrassed to say it was twice for me! :oops: Let it...
  5. H

    supplier of organic soap supplies

    Mountain Rose Herbs carries more organics than anyone I've seen. They have EO's, bulk herbs, and a variety of oils & butters.
  6. H

    honey powder in cp

    It's dried honey, got it at NDA. I know it's water soluable, so I'd either have to add it to my water before the lye, or take some of the water out to dissolve it in to add later. I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with it.
  7. H

    honey powder in cp

    I've got a ton of honey powder and I was wondering if anyone had used it in CP or RTOP instead of liquid honey? If so, how did it turn out for you? I was thinking of trying an oatmeal & honey bar using the powder.
  8. H

    aloe vera question

    I used to sub AV juice for half the dilution water in my liquid soaps. This is soap I use every day, and honestly, I don't think it added a thing to the soap. So, I stopped using it. These days, costs being what they are, I save most of the expensive additives, butters & oils for creams &...
  9. H

    Using Charcoal?

    I use activated charcoal caps from the pharmacy. Very, very fine & no scratchies.
  10. H

    Please Talk to Me about Clean-up!

    We have old, cranky pipes and my DH gripes when they plug I wipe out my soap pot and utensils before washing them. What you did was just fine! I can't leave mine sitting around without incurring "the look", otherwise I'm sure there would be many times when the morning after would be...
  11. H

    What are your favorite "food scented" FOs for CP?

    Oatmeal, Milk & Honey Pumpkin Spice Black Raspberry Vanilla mmmmmmm!
  12. H

    your line

    Soap, lip balms, whipped butters, face creams, aromatherapy blends, lotions, bath teas
  13. H

    Lip balm flavor question

    This is kind of a late post, and I don't know if it matters in your particular case, but flavor oils (like those sold for lip balms) are actually not flavored. The taste is neutral, but you have the wonderful scent. If you sweeten your balm, however, your taste buds will be convinced they can...
  14. H


    I'm betting at best you'd get grey soap. Blueberry stains horribly, so I'm wondering if it would stain skin, also. Doubting the scent would come through. Cool idea, though! If you try it, please let us know how it turns out.
  15. H

    Who is your favorite supplier for bottles and jars?

    I use SKS, and occasionally Sunburst Bottle.