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  1. G

    Oven gel after cure?

    Great advice. Thanks
  2. G

    Oven gel after cure?

    thank you for the excellent info. I guess I misspoke when referring to post 24 hrs as cured. I cure my soap for min. of 3 weeks. I do all natural and find the gel phase makes my natural colourants a bit brighter and I tend to like the sheen of a gelled bar when it loses the excess moisture.
  3. G

    Oven gel after cure?

    So I have a 3 lb cold process bar that I made a 100 degrees or less. It is cured 24 hrs. I would like to try the oven process to get the soap to harden a bit and get to the gel stage. should I slice it first or will the whole loaf gel?
  4. G

    Adding avocado to soap. Help!

    I was planning on putting the puree in with the oils before adding the lye and discounted water mixture. So I would take my recipe water calculation and just subtract the amount of puree from that number and mix the remaining water with the lye . Does this make sense?
  5. G

    Adding avocado to soap. Help!

    Thank you! Yes, I read all of these and it's very helpful. I guess I am still confused about the ratios. I am thinking that my water calculation gets replaced with the puree. My recipe calls for 742.83 grams of water and 308.41 grants of lye. I will discount this water amount by the gram...
  6. G

    Adding avocado to soap. Help!

    I am a seasoned newbie and want to explore adding avocado to my soap recipe. After watching probably too many utub e videos, I'm still not getting my head around measuring the avocado . Do I replace the total water amount with the puree? How much avocado per amount of oil? How much water do I...