Recent content by Cyndiejc

Soapmaking Forum

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  1. Cyndiejc

    Wood Soap Displays, molds and crates

    I know those are a little pricey. But i am DESPERATE to find a solution to my problem(s). I have a post as a new topic: HP Soap: Storage & Fragrance Advice on this Forum. As of this morning hadn't received a reply yet. My question(s) with these wooden boxes is can I store the soaps in them...
  2. Cyndiejc

    Wood Soap Displays, molds and crates

    I love the concept of the site: supporting the disabled by supporting what they CAN do as opposed to a charity focused on what they can't. Plus Made in the USA - huge plus for me - it's a little pet peeve picking up almost anything these days & having it say anything but that. But I think I...
  3. Cyndiejc

    Coffee soap

    I have a recipe from The recipe says to brew triple strength coffee and use that instead of plain water when mixing lye solution. 8oz Canola, 8oz Coconut, 8 oz Olive, 8 oz Hydrogenated Soybean (Crisco), 12 oz water (triple coffee), 4.5 oz Lye, and reserve some of the...
  4. Cyndiejc

    HP Soap: Fragrance & Storage advice - please?

    Hello! I really need some help. I’ve been making soaps and getting better at it, for about 8 years. But because it is a very part-time hobby, I am still not as proficient at it as so many other people out there. Maybe one day I’d like to start doing candles, too. Anyway, I have a couple of...