Recent content by AK_Homesteader

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  1. AK_Homesteader

    First craft fair a raging SUCCESS!!! :D PICS

    I'm glad to hear that your show went so well! You did awesome! Your table looks very professional - thanks for sharing pics. Glad you had such a good time.
  2. AK_Homesteader

    This blend just Stinks!

    I got that one last fall and I agree - I didn't like the smell. But my boyfriend did, so I went ahead and made a batch of soap - goats milk with added oatmeal and called it Autumn Spice. I brought it to a show and it all sold. I guess everyone is different. But I won't be making it again :D
  3. AK_Homesteader

    Need advice on tracking

    No, SoapMaker doesn't do all my accounting. It does allow you to enter your sales (I haven't used that part yet). QuickBooks keeps track of everything - balance my checkbook, enter non-inventory expenses, track my assets, etc.
  4. AK_Homesteader

    Need advice on tracking

    I recently purchased SoapMaker3 and have all my inventory setup in it. I'm happy with it and all its features - and it wasn't too spendy. I also use QuickBooks to track all my accounting. It also has an inventory feature, but I like SoapMaker better. It is much more detailed - stores...
  5. AK_Homesteader

    First craft fair is in 2 weeks!

    Hi Ashley~ I just wanted to pop in and tell you good luck on your fair this weekend. I know you will do well! Can't wait to hear all about it!
  6. AK_Homesteader


    I'm so glad you did so well! Your display looks very inviting and professional - I love it! Great job!!
  7. AK_Homesteader

    Some of my soaps

    Your packaging looks very nice and it sounds like you have a good selection to choose from. Good luck at your markets!!
  8. AK_Homesteader

    Wow! Im In A gIFT gUIDE!

    How exciting for you - congrats!!
  9. AK_Homesteader

    First Outdoor Craft Fair

    Thanks for all the comments! Looking forward to next weekend - hoping it is as successful! I've been making soap like crazy to get the stock up for the upcoming shows. CastorFan: I didn't leave the soap out overnight. Boxed it up and stored it inside the building. I left everything else...
  10. AK_Homesteader

    First Outdoor Craft Fair

    I would say that this first show was a definite success!! I brought in 10x my space fees. There were 8 vendors at this first weekend, but there will be more in future weekends - goes now through August. Hoping that a bigger event will draw in more people. My friend helped me setup the...
  11. AK_Homesteader

    Doing my first craft fair on September 13th!

    Great tips - different levels, not all flat, table covering to the floor so you can stash your stuff underneath and everything will look nice. I would suggest a taller chair or stool, so that you can see the people while you are sitting down. Set up your display at home before the show so you...
  12. AK_Homesteader

    First Outdoor Craft Fair

    Thanks for the tips - landscape blocks are a great idea and would be easy to secure to - and heavy. I guess it isn't a tent, but a canopy that I have. It came with one wall, but I will be ordering more walls to keep the rain out. Good idea to only have the wall down halfway so the wind...
  13. AK_Homesteader

    First Outdoor Craft Fair

    Hi Everyone~ I will be selling in my first outdoor craft fair next weekend - I have done some indoor fares, but never any outside. It is a new venue in our downtown area where thousands of tourists visit each day. It will be Sat, Sun & Mon from now until end of September. The fees seem...
  14. AK_Homesteader

    Do I dare?

    Your display looks great - I like how the products stand out against the black table coverings. Glad your show was a success!